Kuopio Swimrun Backyard, in 2023 piloted and extremely fascinated concept, will come back alive in Kuopio as an official event in August 2025! This event will bring swimrunners from different levels together to the same start line loop after loop! No matter what your goal is, this is a swimrun race you will be ready to join!
In Kuopio Backyard Swimrun you will perform a 4,167 km* marked swimrun-loop starting every exact hour. The course includes 5 swimming sections of which the longest is 285 m. The total swimming distance is 900 m (21,6 %).
The cumulative distance depends on how long you can keep up with:
3 loops = 12,5 km 18 loops = 75 km 36 loops = 150 km
6 loops = 25 km 24 loops = 100 km 48 loops = 200 km
12 loops = 50 km 30 loops = 125 km 72 loops = 300 km etc.
*Lighters (Backyard-like category) are allowed to take a shortcut for 3,5 km loop (of which 575 m swimming)
There is no time-keeping for loops in Backyard Swimrun: You are in the race as long as you are able to move on to the next round on exact hour. This means by swimrunning faster you can only get a bit longer pause but no other advantages for the coming loops. In turn, spending too much time on the course will give you too little recovery time before the next loop. If you want to chase an ultra-distance the most optimal time for a loop is between 40–50 minutes
There will be two different categories in Kuopio Backyard Swimrun:
A real backyard swimrun starting on Friday 15th of August at 10.00 pm. Start for the next loop at every exact hour, which means each loop must be completed within an hour. The winner is the last person to complete a loop and making the race end. On the dark night loops (starting from 10 pm – 3 am.) it’s mandatory to carry a headlamp suitable for continuous immersion (IPX8 / IP68). Check the detailed rules below on this page.
A place to do easy backyard-based swimrun purely in day light starting on Saturday 16th of August 10.00 am. Lighters may choose to swimrun as many loops or shortcutted loops as they want and are able to do before the fighters finish (this may happen any time on Saturday or Sunday). The rule is that you can only start the loop at exact hour. You can do your loops at once or for example swimrun the loops from 10 am. and 11 am., then take a break and keep going from 1 pm. and 2 pm. Check the detailed rules below on this page.
Course map with distances:
Check also
the exclusive course preview video (5min) here
Sign up on RaceID here
For Fighters
* Course very well marked (a lot of reflectors there)
* a 45 min rabbit on the 1st loop
* 1–2 security volunteers on the course (on land)
* Energy station on the race area
* WC, showers and a ”wetsuit-sauna” (55 °C)
open on the race area 24/7
* GPS-tracking
* Loop counting and total loops results
* Prizes for the strongest fighters
For Lighters
* Course very well marked
* a 50 min rabbit on the 1st loop
* 1–2 security volunteers on the course (on land)
* Energy station on the race area
* WC, showers and a ”wetsuit-sauna” (55 °C)
open on the race area 24/7
Swimrunners of the test Backyard in September 2023 |
Instructions / Rules
* Each competitor goes through the competition at his / her own risk. The organizer has no responsibility for any accident during the race. Find out you have a valid insurance of your own for swimrun. Children under 18 years may compete with permission by their guardian!
* To continue for the next loop, a participant must stay in the marked start box, when the start signal is given (at exact hours). Reminding signals will be whistled 3, 2 and one minute before the start. The race area is on a large camping site. At the quiet-time (12 am. – 06 am.) the signals will be given without loud voice. Respect the quiet-time!
* The marked course must be followed. Lighters (who will start on Saturday) are allowed to take a shortcut (3,5 km) signed on the course. Slower swimrunners must allow passes.
* There are no safety guards on swims. The swimming sections never cross any boat lane. A participant still must focus on staying on the marked course and be ready to get to the nearest shore in case of emergency.
* On the running course there will always be 1 or 2 volunteers from the organizer, from whom you can ask for help in case of emergency.
* The entry fee must be paid upon registration on RaceID. The registration can be cancelled until 14th of August by emailing to info(a)kuopioswimrun.fi and then 80% of the paid fee will be refunded. For the Lighters category you can also register on site (payment by card or cash).
* Force majeure: If the competition is cancelled or the race course is changed during the competition day due to weather conditions, the entry fees will not be refunded.
Fighters (Backyard):
* The race is only for solos in a single category.
* The race will begin on Friday 15th of August at 10.00 pm. and each loop starts precisely 1 hour after the last. The race is open-ended. The race will end when the last participant completes the loop (alone and within an hour). That person is the winner and all the others DNF. If no swimrunner can complete one more loop than anyone else, there is no winner.
* A participant DNF must report to the race info, where their total loops will be logged.
* Each loop must be completed within an hour to be counted… including the final lap.
* There’s no time keeping for the loops. LIVE GPS -tracking can also be watched after the race.
* There are no energy/liquid stations on the course. Receiving external assistance is not allowed.
* You are not allowed to move off the course, except for (natural) restrooms. If you get lost in a swim, get back to the right line so that you will exit in the right place!
Mandatory equipment (by your own):
* Swimrun-suit suitable for existing weather conditions (estimated water temp. 19 - 20 °C)
* Swim cap
* Whistle
* A pocket, where to carry GPS
* A headlamp suitable for continuous immersion (IP8) on the dark loops from 10 pm. – 3 am. (4 am.)
Mandatory equipment (by organizer):
* A number band on ankle
* A GPS-device
Recommended equipment:
* Pull buoy
* Hand paddles
* Swimming goggles
* Convenient trail running shoes
* Extra neoprene (gloves, headband, sleeves) in cold conditions
* Extra energy for the loop and / or on the race area (bring especially what you love the most)
* Chair, towels and change of clothes for the recovery on the race area
Forbidden equipment:
* Floating equipment with a total size of over 32cm x 30cm x 15cm
* Flippers longer than 15cm
* Tow line
A participant must carry all their equipment from the start of the loop to the finish of the loop. Intentional littering leads to disqualification. Your optional equipment may vary between the loops.
Lighters (Backyard-like):
* Start on Saturday 16th of August at 10.00 am. You can also ask us for a chance of an earlier start.
* On Lighters category you are allowed to swimrun as many loops as you want until the end of the race (When does it end? Nobody knows) as long as you start the loop ONLY at the exact hour.
* The mandatory equipment for Lighters is a suit suitable for swimrun in existing weather, a swim cap and a number band (from the organizer). You should also check the recommended equipment for Fighters, especially if you are planning to do several loops.
* You can swimrun by yourself, with a partner or in a group. You can do full loops, shortened loops or both.
* On the 1st loop the race organizer goes the full loop as a 50-minute pacemaker. If you stay behind this group from the beginning, you should take the shortcut. You can also choose to go faster than the rabbit together with the strongest Fighters (they are not like rockets in the morning anymore).
* When you are done with your swimrun day, report to the race info. You can choose to log your loops on the Lighters-list which will be published on our website.
Also join our swimrun camp Hidden Gems of Pogosta and spend a whole swimrun week in beautiful Eastern Finland!
Welcome to Kuopio Backyard Swimrun 2025!
Race Director
Sampo Hyppölä
Kuopio Swimrun